Creatures big and tiny, Gordy has an appreciation for them all. We're hoping for nice weather next week so we can spend an afternoon at the zoo. It's been too long since we hung out with the penguins, tigers, and monkeys.....!
My online Journal/Photo Album, so faraway family can keep up with what's new in our lives....
Friday, February 29, 2008
Ants Are Our Friends
Unfortunately, I didn't think to grab my camera, but just moments ago, I went into the kitchen to find Gordon, laying on his tummy on the floor. "Hi little buddy!" he was saying. I asked him what he was doing, and he said, "I just looking at a bee-u-fee-ful ant, Mommy." Hmmm--makes me re-evaluate my disgust with our little intruders...slightly. :) His loving outlook makes me a bit more fond of the tiny rascals.
Gordy loves ladybugs (as shown on his sleeve in the photo), ants, "buff-a-flies," and "cat-a-pillars," but is quick to point out, "I no like spiders--they scary." (That's my influence there, on the spiders).
Creatures big and tiny, Gordy has an appreciation for them all. We're hoping for nice weather next week so we can spend an afternoon at the zoo. It's been too long since we hung out with the penguins, tigers, and monkeys.....!
Creatures big and tiny, Gordy has an appreciation for them all. We're hoping for nice weather next week so we can spend an afternoon at the zoo. It's been too long since we hung out with the penguins, tigers, and monkeys.....!
February in the Mountains
We enjoyed a relaxing and fun-filled weekend, February 15-18, when Jen flew over from Portland and joined, Joey, Gary, the boys, and me up at the cabins. We met Maggie and James in town on Saturday for the annual Chili Contest, which was delicious and fun, though gas-inducing. :) There were 17 different stations with 17 different, homemade chili varieties, ingredients ranging from garlic to cinnamon, beany to meaty, and spicy to mild. We were all full by the time we'd sampled about 7 or 8 different chilis. Saturday night, we invited our neighbor Paul over for a turkey dinner and some entertaining rounds of "Catch Phrase." It was a fun time! Here's a little slide show from the weekend....
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Grayson's Giggles
Grayson got the giggles yesterday while having his lunch. Check out his new top teeth in this clip -- he looks like a little bunny rabbit.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Brave Gordon!
Ever since being "accidentally pushed" down the slide by an older child last spring (though not physically hurt), Gordon has been fearful of going down the big, winding slide solo. Last week, he overcame his fears and conquered the very slide where "the incident" happened. Way to go, Gordy!! :) What a big boy!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
New Chief of Photography
Gary has been named the new chief photographer at Channel 7! We're so proud of you, Gary -- Congratulations!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Winter in the Mountains
These photos were actually taken about a month ago, up at the cabins. Can you believe how much snow there is...?!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Gordon Sings
"The Day You Were Born," by Graham Nash, has been "our song" since Gordy was first born. Take a listen.... (Video taken by Auntie Lassa while she was visiting in January).
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Welcome, February!
More than anything, this blog serves as a little journal for me, to document how our beloved boys are growing...but I've been falling behind, so here's a little update:

Grayson is 9 months old now, as of February 4th -- can't believe it. He's all over the place and into everything, crawling and pulling himself up where he can; he's especially interested in the recycle bin lately. He has two bottom teeth, and his top two middle teeth are emerging as of last week -- they make for an extra endearing, bunny rabbit smile. He's fully recovered from his first illness, a bad cold about 2 weeks ago, which included nearly 103 degree fever, runny nose, croupy cough, and even some vomiting; poor little fella. He rallied more quickly than we'd expected, for which we are very grateful! Biter biscuits, Cheeri-o's, crackers, and meat & vegies (of the baby food variety) have been added to his cereal and fruit diet, which he's gradually learning to enjoy. He couldn't be more excited than when we sprinkle some finger foods on his high chair tray! He's even successfully gummed Saltine crackers in a pinch, when Mommy forgot to pack the Gerber Graduates at a restaurant in McCall. You could see the pride in his eyes. Grayson responds to the question, "How big is Grayson?" with a big smile and hands thrown up in the air. It's priceless.

Gordon is quite the inquisitive 2-1/2 year old -- he is brimming with questions. To any given topic, he'll ask, "What does _____ DO?" (emphasis on 'do.') He loves to color and paint, play outside in the snow, collect coins for his piggy (lion) bank, take trips to the library, read-read-read...., and he adores Curious George! It's fitting, as he himself is full of wonder. The photo here shows him at one of his favorite destinations: Chuck E. Cheese, to which his aunties Nenny and Lassa love to take him during their visits. Gradually, Gordon is learning to appreciate his role as big brother. There are still some jealousy pangs that creep up on him, but the benefits of a "built-in buddy" are becoming more apparent with time. For the past couple months, Gordon has enjoyed the perks of sleeping in his "big boy bed." Little by little, Gordy and Grayson are adjusting to sharing a room.
We're all well here, cabin fever aside. Personally, I'm eagerly looking forward to spring when the boys and I can once again venture out to the zoo, parks, and other 'field trips' more easily than we can now. Our house seems even "cozier" when the weather limits our outings, but we're trying to stay creative and busy. Before long, summer will arrive again.... :)
Grayson is 9 months old now, as of February 4th -- can't believe it. He's all over the place and into everything, crawling and pulling himself up where he can; he's especially interested in the recycle bin lately. He has two bottom teeth, and his top two middle teeth are emerging as of last week -- they make for an extra endearing, bunny rabbit smile. He's fully recovered from his first illness, a bad cold about 2 weeks ago, which included nearly 103 degree fever, runny nose, croupy cough, and even some vomiting; poor little fella. He rallied more quickly than we'd expected, for which we are very grateful! Biter biscuits, Cheeri-o's, crackers, and meat & vegies (of the baby food variety) have been added to his cereal and fruit diet, which he's gradually learning to enjoy. He couldn't be more excited than when we sprinkle some finger foods on his high chair tray! He's even successfully gummed Saltine crackers in a pinch, when Mommy forgot to pack the Gerber Graduates at a restaurant in McCall. You could see the pride in his eyes. Grayson responds to the question, "How big is Grayson?" with a big smile and hands thrown up in the air. It's priceless.
Gordon is quite the inquisitive 2-1/2 year old -- he is brimming with questions. To any given topic, he'll ask, "What does _____ DO?" (emphasis on 'do.') He loves to color and paint, play outside in the snow, collect coins for his piggy (lion) bank, take trips to the library, read-read-read...., and he adores Curious George! It's fitting, as he himself is full of wonder. The photo here shows him at one of his favorite destinations: Chuck E. Cheese, to which his aunties Nenny and Lassa love to take him during their visits. Gradually, Gordon is learning to appreciate his role as big brother. There are still some jealousy pangs that creep up on him, but the benefits of a "built-in buddy" are becoming more apparent with time. For the past couple months, Gordon has enjoyed the perks of sleeping in his "big boy bed." Little by little, Gordy and Grayson are adjusting to sharing a room.
We're all well here, cabin fever aside. Personally, I'm eagerly looking forward to spring when the boys and I can once again venture out to the zoo, parks, and other 'field trips' more easily than we can now. Our house seems even "cozier" when the weather limits our outings, but we're trying to stay creative and busy. Before long, summer will arrive again.... :)
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