The boys and I have just returned from a full week in the mountains, and it's nice to see all the progress Gary's done on our house ~ it's really looking great.
Here's a little clip from last week, starring Grayson. Gordon makes a brief appearance running by, as we begin a little mountain hike up the Forest Service Road.
Both boys loved our hikes, enjoying the beautiful mountain scenery, the various bird songs, the lizards we spotted, and of course, playing in some of the sand on the road along the way. The weather has been lovely, and we've seen a lot of hummingbirds, finches, nut-hatches, and jays near our bird feeders. Chipmunks frequent the yard around our cabins, and Gary and Gordon spotted some kind of fuzzy, tree-climbing, mystery creature with big eyes and a bushy tail last night after dark with Gordy's "flaf-light." Gary drove up just for the evening to bring up a load of belongings to store in the shop up there, and returned to Boise for work this morning--spotting an elk on his way toward Idaho City. Nature everywhere!
It's been a delightful week in the mountains, but it's also nice to be home again for a few days. Gordy's pre-school classroom visit is tomorrow with his teacher, the parent orientation meeting is on Thursday evening, and Gordy starts pre-school next Tuesday!