On October 4th, Grayson and I happily took part in Grayson's 1st preschool field trip with his classmates. Here is Grayson, patiently waiting for all of his friends to arrive at the pumpkin patch so the field trip could begin.

Quality time with Grayson - here we are embarking on the hayride tour, taking us to where all the good pumpkins are.

Grayson takes in all the wonderful farm sites, on a beautiful autumn day.

Having fun!

Time to pick out a pumpkin!

It didn't take Grayson very long to find...

...his favorite pumpkin in the whole patch.

His words were, "Mommy, this is the cutest pumpkin I've ever seen!"

While the other kids were still searching for their perfect pumpkins, Grayson was eager to get back to the barnyard and see what else there was to see.

Listening very attentively to the guide teach the class about pumpkins.

Teacher: "One, two, three - eyes on me!" Kids: "One, tw0 - eyes on you!"
Grayson has this down pat.

Grayson loves his pumpkin so much, he opted to hang on to it, even while he and the other kids climbed and played on the tractor tire jungle gym.

Grayson is the middle pumpkin, below.

Admiring his pumpkin while waiting for snack time.

I snapped this at a red light on our way home.
Pumpkin hunting is quite exhausting.

I have to mention that Grayson's pumpkin never left his side for the next 24 hours. He even slept with it that first night. Such a beloved pumpkin -- for our sweet little pumpkin!