This post doesn't really have a theme - it's mostly just some snapshots from a week of our life in March 2011. I've gotten way behind on this blog, so I'm playing catch-up and just throwing some of my favorite photos into posts - for posterity, I guess. ☺
Here - Gary was reading bedtime stories to the boys, as he does every night. The recent spring weather has really been great for getting the boys outside, playing until sunset. This results in a couple (or three) sleepy boys after dinner.

That, and perhaps the story choice on this particular evening was less than tantalizing....


Gary loves catching up with the kids in the evenings when he gets home from work. It's a special time for him to get better acquainted with our new little princess.

Good morning, Sunshine!

A dear friend gave me a Sleepy Wrap for carrying Greta around during our busy days. I love it! It is especially helpful with all the walking we do, getting Gordy to and from Kindergarten each day - as well as keeping baby close to me and allowing two "free hands" for getting chores done and keeping up with the boys. Greta loves it too - it really lives up to its name, Sleepy Wrap. She seems to fall asleep almost every time she's tucked into it.

Grayson continues to help out by dressing himself each day.

Man, I just love this little guy.

He marches to his own beat, that's for sure.

We love you, little monkey!

Grayson and I continue to enjoy our time together while Gordy is at Kindergarten and Greta naps.

Around those naps, we're starting to see more and more alert time from Greta. It's such a treat to see her looking around, exploring her environment with those beautiful, bright blue eyes.

She spends a lot of time catching her beauty rest as well. So precious.

Daddy & his little princess

Almost two weeks old here

We are not short on entertainment --
sleep, yes! ~ but we have an abundance of love and joy!

Yes ~ this is most definitely a wonderful life!