Our baby girl is ONE YEAR OLD!

Call me biased, but she is a darling little one. What a personality! Greta points to Mommy, Daddy, Gordon, Grayson, and Lucy (the dog) when asked to identify each of us. She talks (and shouts) often and much. Greta is almost walking. She can get to standing on her own from a sitting position on the floor, which I don't recall the boys doing. They usually had to pull themselves up using an object of some kind, but she doesn't require anything to pull herself up; she just puts one foot on the ground and hoists herself up to stand. She can get anywhere fast with her speed crawling. Her favorite destination in the house is the stairway. She loves to climb upstairs and does a great job getting there without stumbling. Peas, blueberries, spaghetti, macaroni & cheese, scrambled eggs, pears, apples, and strawberries are among Greta's favorite foods at this point. And she loves to feed herself - spoon feeding is not entirely tolerated from this independent little lady. She is a happy girl and adores her big brothers. She's drinking whole milk and was recently introduced to diluted cranberry-grape juice, which she loved. We're gradually adapting to sippy cups, which help make Greta feel like a big girl - very proud.

What an incredible first twelve months we've enjoyed with our little sweetheart! We look forward to all that this next year will bring as we enjoy watching Greta continue to grow...!
♥ We love you sooooo... much, Little Lady! ♥