Thursday, October 4, 2007

Tummy Time

This photo of Grayson just melts my heart! He is growing so quickly.
He's so unlike Gordy, in that he loves tummy time. In fact, he rolls
himself over almost immediately anytime we lay him on his back. He's
just started eating rice cereal -- and loves it. For the past several
weeks, he's been more and more curious about what we're doing when
we eat. His little gaze follows the food from bowl to spoon to mouth.... He's been wanting to take part in this ritual too for some time now. Diluted pear and apple juice have also been added to his diet. Sleeping through the night is our goal now. He seemed to have that down back in July, but must have missed that special, quiet time with Mommy at 3:30 in the morning, as he's back to waking up. I must admit, there is a real
peacefulness to holding him and feeding him during the wee hours, when
all is quiet and still. It's a treat to just look at him in the dim light and smell his soft breath as he falls back to sleep.... It truly is a time to cherish!

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