Yesterday evening, while I was getting dinner started, I was so pleased to look out our kitchen window and see the boys playing together, seemingly peaceful play on "Chocolate Chip Mountain." Well, my serenity only lasted a few moments; shortly thereafter, I heard Grayson's familiar screams of frustration. And this is what I saw when I went out to check on things.... (Cell phone pictures, so not the sharpest photos, but did capture the moment at hand).

Grayson's face was covered in dirt. Gordy soon rounded the corner, laughing and saying, "Grayson looks like a monkey."

Poor little monkey! I had a sneaking suspicion that this wasn't something Grayson did himself. Gordy was a little too amused; I was sure he played a role in Grayson's dirt-covered face.

Here is Gordy trying to explain what happened. Yep. Gordy did have something to do with Grayson's dirt issue.

This smiling face shows Gordy, keeping the whole situation light. Grayson wasn't terribly upset anymore, and I was able to get a good start on making chicken soup, so you'll be glad to know that no one "got in trouble" here. :) This is just one of the countless character-building moments for Mommy. Keeping my sense of humor is key. These sweet little faces sure help with that.
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