Thursday, May 28, 2009

Personal Pan Pizza Party

Memorial Day Weekend was a special time for our family ~ not for having gone camping or traveling somewhere exciting. We were all home together for three whole days in a row!
The toughest part of our current living situation (staying at our cabins until we buy a new house in town) is that Gary spends a total of 3 hours commuting to and from work each day, which really cuts into our family time.
So...having three days together was fantastic!
One of the fun things we did together was to make personal pan pizzas on Sunday afternoon after church. We would like to thank Tony & Jen for giving us this super fun idea! The boys LOVED making their very own pizza pies!

After spreading tomato sauce on their pita bread, the boys put their favorite toppings on, not without sampling them too, of course.

Gary planned and supervised this entire activity with much patience and grace...

...even when the smoke alarms went off, which happens nearly every time we open this oven. Either we have a super-sensitive smoke detector, or our oven needs a good cleaning. The boys know the drill -- wave a towel or magazine to stop the annoying screeching sound.

Gary cut the pizzas....

...and Voila! Delicious personal pizzas, each made to suit our own, individual tastebuds.

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