Up and ready - dressed for his very 1st day of Kindergarten!

Gordy packed his own healthy snack for school: carrots, celery, broccoli, and peppers.

Out the front door - ready for this special day!

Our little sweetheart, ready to walk to school with Mommy & Grayson.
Daddy was able to leave work for a little while to meet us at school and celebrate this special day. He took this photo as we approached him near the Kindergarten door.

Daddy loves you, Gordon & Grayson!

And Mommy loves you too!

Gary took this great photo of Gordon, heading to school.

Waiting outside for the bell to ring.

Grayson offered smiles and support for his big brother.

Getting excited...

...and maybe a little bit nervous.

The bell is ringing!

Inside, it's a little overwhelming.

Daddy helped Gordon put on his name tag.

Ready to learn! Gordy was so brave and excited!
(Mommy was the only one who got a little teary-eyed).

A little bit later.... Picking Gordon up, he was a happy boy who "loved it!"

A big thumbs up for Kindergarten!

♥ We love you and are so proud, Gordon!! ♥
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