After many discussions on what the boys wanted to dress up as for Halloween, they ultimately made it very easy for us. The week prior, I was fully prepared to sew up a spider suit for Gordon and an octopus suit for Grayson. But they opted for these less complicated costumes in the end.

Grayson rediscovered his cowboy costume from last year and was delighted to wear it again. While Gordon and I were shopping for the makings of a spider suit, we passed by this Spider-Man type ensemble on sale for only $12, PLUS Gordon loved it. So simple! It would have cost at least twice that much to buy all the components to a spider costume, and it freed up some time for me not having to make new costumes.
Below, I thought Gordon was signing "I love you" to me, but it turned out he was casting an invisible web -- clearly in Spidey character.

Below, I thought Gordon was signing "I love you" to me, but it turned out he was casting an invisible web -- clearly in Spidey character.
The fall colors happen to be absolutely brilliant right now ~ it is so beautiful!
We're loving the mellow weather this week, mid 60's and sunshine - perfect for getting out and enjoying all the brightly colored leaves.

We're loving the mellow weather this week, mid 60's and sunshine - perfect for getting out and enjoying all the brightly colored leaves.
Take Two! Heading out for more tricks -or- treats...after a quick return home so Grayson could go potty.
This little motion-sensored character spooked Grayson while walking up to a front door.
Gary and I nearly doubled over with laughter - it was so funny! (He didn't cry or we wouldn't have laughed - he just got wide-eyed and picked up his pace).
I'll always remember Grayson's little cowboy boots' accelerated clicking sound on the side walk whenever he walked near a scary Halloween decoration.

Gary and I nearly doubled over with laughter - it was so funny! (He didn't cry or we wouldn't have laughed - he just got wide-eyed and picked up his pace).
I'll always remember Grayson's little cowboy boots' accelerated clicking sound on the side walk whenever he walked near a scary Halloween decoration.
We hope you all enjoyed a Happy Halloween too - we sure did!
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