Thursday, January 20, 2011

Only 7 Weeks to Go!

We are 33 weeks pregnant today! Seven weeks to go, give or take....
I'm getting really excited to meet our baby girl!

The end of pregnancy woes have definitely arrived ~ i.e. swollen ankles at the end of the day, charlie horse pains at night, and good ol' acid reflux/heartburn. The Braxton-Hicks contractions have been stronger and more frequent than with either of the boys at this point too, so I'm eagerly anticipating Greta's birth, and praying for a smooth delivery and a very healthy baby girl!

Though I'm not feeling 100% great, I couldn't be more grateful.


The Wards said...

Oh, my dear sweet friend...look how beautiful you look! I am so excited for you! What a lucky, lucky girl to be joining your very special family! Best of luck in the home "stretch"! Blessings to you and sweet baby, Greta!

Five Gs said...

Thank you so much, my wonderful friend Julie! It is so reassuring to hear such encouragement, as I feel puffier and slower-moving by the hour. :) We feel so very blessed and grateful to have Greta on her way into our arms soon! I'm also very blessed to have such a dear friend in you!! Love ya!