Our plans for my 40th birthday celebration got scaled down quite a bit...from hosting a party (a short-lived idea we had months ago, before realizing I'd be nine months pregnant on my birthday)...to going out for a nice steak dinner - just Gary and me...to finally, Gary picking up Quizno's sandwiches for us to eat at home. Topping off the day with Gordon, Grayson, and I hitting the hay right after dinner, fighting off a cold/flu bug.
Both boys and I came down with monstrous cold/flu symptoms late last week - fever, chest congestion, coughs, runny noses, sneezing, achy bodies, and tiredness. (I'm surprised my intense coughing hasn't induced labor thus far!)

Both boys and I came down with monstrous cold/flu symptoms late last week - fever, chest congestion, coughs, runny noses, sneezing, achy bodies, and tiredness. (I'm surprised my intense coughing hasn't induced labor thus far!)
This was essentially how we spent last Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - camped out in the living room together, sleeping, eating chicken soup, drinking lots of water, and watching movies or playing quiet games. Even today, we're not 100%. It all came on so suddenly with no warning - out of nowhere we were SICK! Luckily, Gary has managed to sidestep this round of illness, so far. I pray he stays well, for we'll be heading to the hospital to deliver baby Greta soon, in the next couple weeks.... I'm also hoping that she decides to make her appearance after I fully recover from this horrendous cold.

Being pregnant and more sick than I've been in years has been exhausting, but I certainly can't say my birthday was all bad - not at all!
Gary surprised me on Friday morning with a beautiful card, and inside - a sweet poem he'd written. And it turns out, the gorgeous scene on the front of the card is a replica of the limited edition artwork that Gary purchased for me! It's by Ward Hooper, one of our favorite local artists. Gary secured #6 out of the only 10 canvas pieces that the artist sells for each of his designs. After those limited edition canvases, he makes only 100 prints of each piece of work.

This Wednesday while the boys are at school, I'll meet Gary at Ward Hooper's gallery downtown to decide how I want the canvas laid out - with or without the text, whether or not it will include the border, etc.... I'm very excited! Then in a week, it will be ready to pick up, just as I like it. I've been wanting to find a nice piece of original art to help launch some decorating ideas for our home. This will lead to choosing new paint colors and decor for our living room...very exciting!
If you'd like to see more of Ward Hooper's work, here's his website:
What makes this particular design extra special is that the Sawtooth Mountains are very dear to Gary and me. Together, we've enjoyed kayaking the Salmon River, snorkeling & swimming in Redfish Lake, hiking and camping in this spectacular, scenic part of Idaho. We've taken many trips there, including part of our honeymoon and the fun-filled weekend away for the two of us last July, when we stayed in a tepee and hiked 9.5 miles to a beautiful alpine lake (as shared in my July 2010 blog posts). Gordon's very first camping trip was at Redfish Lake. Even our wedding bands feature the silhouette of the Sawtooth Mountain Range, as designed by Gary. Needless to say, we love the Sawtooth Mountains! I was astounded by Gary's gift. Yet again, he came up with an incredibly creative and heartfelt birthday present! I was completely surprised and love it ~ I am such a lucky lady!
(Thank you so much, Gary ~ I love & adore you!)
My birthday was also sweetened by my sister Melissa stopping by on her way to work with a pan of fresh brownies and a lovely collage frame for me. Perfect timing on the frame - I just ordered 100 prints, many from our August vacation to the Oregon Coast, some of which I'll display in this frame.

Gary surprised me on Friday morning with a beautiful card, and inside - a sweet poem he'd written. And it turns out, the gorgeous scene on the front of the card is a replica of the limited edition artwork that Gary purchased for me! It's by Ward Hooper, one of our favorite local artists. Gary secured #6 out of the only 10 canvas pieces that the artist sells for each of his designs. After those limited edition canvases, he makes only 100 prints of each piece of work.

This Wednesday while the boys are at school, I'll meet Gary at Ward Hooper's gallery downtown to decide how I want the canvas laid out - with or without the text, whether or not it will include the border, etc.... I'm very excited! Then in a week, it will be ready to pick up, just as I like it. I've been wanting to find a nice piece of original art to help launch some decorating ideas for our home. This will lead to choosing new paint colors and decor for our living room...very exciting!
If you'd like to see more of Ward Hooper's work, here's his website:
What makes this particular design extra special is that the Sawtooth Mountains are very dear to Gary and me. Together, we've enjoyed kayaking the Salmon River, snorkeling & swimming in Redfish Lake, hiking and camping in this spectacular, scenic part of Idaho. We've taken many trips there, including part of our honeymoon and the fun-filled weekend away for the two of us last July, when we stayed in a tepee and hiked 9.5 miles to a beautiful alpine lake (as shared in my July 2010 blog posts). Gordon's very first camping trip was at Redfish Lake. Even our wedding bands feature the silhouette of the Sawtooth Mountain Range, as designed by Gary. Needless to say, we love the Sawtooth Mountains! I was astounded by Gary's gift. Yet again, he came up with an incredibly creative and heartfelt birthday present! I was completely surprised and love it ~ I am such a lucky lady!
(Thank you so much, Gary ~ I love & adore you!)
My birthday was also sweetened by my sister Melissa stopping by on her way to work with a pan of fresh brownies and a lovely collage frame for me. Perfect timing on the frame - I just ordered 100 prints, many from our August vacation to the Oregon Coast, some of which I'll display in this frame.
Dave & Myra brought over some fresh birthday flowers - gorgeous!

Joey also stopped by Friday evening, with a birthday card and coffee gift card.
Joey also stopped by Friday evening, with a birthday card and coffee gift card.
Plus, the Valentine flowers are still lovely and aromatic on the mantle, now displayed in a vase that Gary made in a college pottery class.

So ~ in spite of being sick and nine months pregnant, my birthday was a wonderful day! I'm excited to be embarking on a new decade - looking forward to what "the 40s" have in store. Welcoming our new baby soon tops the list for extraordinary, upcoming events, for sure!
I'm feeling very blessed, so happy with my life and loved ones!
I'm feeling very blessed, so happy with my life and loved ones!
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