Grayson was presented this special birthday hat when he woke up on Wednesday morning (made out of a cereal box, paper, markers, stickers, and tin foil).

He was excited to play with the remaining Toy Story stickers before being served his birthday breakfast.

Grayson brought chocolate cookies to share with his friends at preschool,...then that evening we continued celebrating with pizza dinner at the park.

Mommy & Daddy are so proud of our little Grayson - we can't believe it's been four years since he joined our family. What love, joy, and laughter he's added to our lives! My heart could burst with love; I am so very blessed!

Following dessert, we took a fun hike up "the mountain," as the boys call it. Camel's Back Park has a wonderful climbing hill with a fabulous view of our lovely city. (Sorry, no pictures of that portion of the party this time).

God blessed us all with a beautiful spring day on Grayson's birthday! Here, the lovely sunset reflects on our birthday boy's adorable little face.

Happy Birthday, sweet pumpkin, Grayson!!
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