Our little sweetheart is SIX! It's become tradition that we spend Gordon's birthday in the mountains at our family cabins, and that's just what we did this year.

Gordon was up bright & early, ready to start celebrating his special day!

We are so proud of Gordon! He is a bright, sensitive, curious, comical, outgoing & friendly little man! I'm repeating myself, I'm sure - but he truly has a heart of gold. ♥

Gordon was very excited and appreciative to receive $50 from Grammy & Papa!

He also received many other great gifts from family members, including these Legos.

Grammy, Papa, Auntie Lassa, and Uncle Doe-Doe made sure Grayson had some presents to enjoy also.

This is Gordon's reaction when Daddy presented him with the remote-controlled helicopter he's been pining for.... ☺

Always a good sport, Gordon loved the not-so-sturdy Jeep cake I made for him.

Let's use our imagination and say this Jeep is climbing some major rocks in Moab! ☺ (With the support of two plastic forks on one side).

Happy Birthday, sweet Gordon!

We love you so very much, and thank God for you every single day! ♥