Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Greta Brielle -- Four Months Old

Wow! Another month has flown by quickly, and our baby girl is growing so much! She's nearly rolling over now, is almost always smiling, she loves to chatter and coo, and she is an absolutely wonderful sleeper! For the past few weeks, she averages sleeping 8 to 9 hours consecutively each night. She loves music, having books read to her, kicking and playing on her play mat, riding in the car, being talked to and replying in return, being held and rocked, and still loves going for walks in her Sleepy Wrap. She loves her big brothers and her Mommy & Daddy, as well as anyone else who holds her and loves her. She is such a happy and sweet-tempered child ~ we are enjoying every moment! ♥

We are in awe of the miracle she is, and love seeing her grow and learn new things each day.
Oh, how we love her!

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