Monday, October 22, 2012

Cabin Company

 The Kraft family joined us in the mountains this past weekend!  Much fun was had by all!  We went into Placerville on Saturday afternoon to explore and take in some history.
 Left to right: Peyton, Michael, Gordon, Jack, Grayson

The merry-go-round near the old Placerville School
 Steve and Gary (with Greta in backpack) got the merry-go-round going with all the little boys on board, Angela watching in the foreground.
 Later, back at base - a relaxing evening!  Games, campfire, marshmallows, delicious lasagna dinner (by Angela),...great times!
Steve & Angela, dear friends!

 The following photos were taken on Sunday, after the Krafts headed out.

This photo taken by apprentice photographer, Gordon!

 We took a good long family hike with stops at Treasure Rock, Whale Rock, Cougar Rock, and Ophir Creek.

 Cougar Rock!


Ophir Creek

These family photos were taken in Placerville by Angela & Steve Kraft while they were visiting.

 Focus on Fall....

 Such a stunning & colorful season, in a very beautiful place!

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