Friday, December 7, 2007

A Visit with Santa

Gordy had been practicing for weeks, what he would say to Santa when we visit him -- "Lawn-a-mower and Little People," his Christmas wish list. As we approached the giant Santa display at the mall, Gordy showed both joy and fear, and clung to me with some anxiety as I got him out of the stroller. It didn't take too long for him to warm up to the idea, and realize that if he wanted to get that bubble mower, it was his obligation to convey that information to Mr. Claus. As you can see in the photos, he wasn't completely at ease with the situation, but overall, I think it was an okay experience for Gordon.

Grayson was in complete awe of Santa the entire time, and couldn't keep his hands off of the very real beard on Old St. Nick. As I retrieved Grayson from Santa's lap, he mentioned, "He's got quite a strong grip!" I told Santa that was the reason I have such short hair now. :) Grayson is a strong little guy! At seven months now, he cut his first tooth on Wednesday -- his bottom right tooth (left to us) is poking through, sharp and ready to tackle steak in a few months, I'm sure. Other Grayson news -- he slept straight through the night last night, from 11:00 p.m. to almost 8:30 today! He's probably exhausted from teething and all the energy he's been putting into his crawling skills.

All I can say is, Gordon and Grayson make this time of year extra special -- I'm so fortunate to be their Mommy!

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