Monday morning, our last full day in NYC, we caught the end of the concert on the plaza outside The Today Show, but didn't venture too close to the screaming, screeching crowd of pre-teen girls. Though I can't recall their name, the performers were a boy band, clearly well-loved by adolescent girls.

At noon, RTDNA (Radio Television Digital News Association) award winners and guests were treated to a luncheon at NBC Studios. Lunch was followed by a guided tour through NBC Studios, including NBC Nightly News, MSNBC, NBC Sports, and the set of Saturday Night Live. Gary snapped this photo of me, walking through the newsroom -- behind me Ann Curry was talking to someone at her desk.

This isn't a very good picture, but it's a zoomed in, cropped photo of Ann Curry.

We were unable to walk through the set of The Today Show, as Matt Lauer was filming a scene for a movie with Mel Gibson...and a puppet. Wonder what that movie's about?

Here's a more flattering photo of Ann Curry, on a display in the hallway.

Heading toward the Saturday Night Live studio -- These photos line the hallway, autographed photos of guest hosts through the years. This is only one of several that I took, featuring Steve Carrell, Tina Fey, Ashton Kutcher, Sting, Jon Bon Jovi, etc.... This hallway is on the lower floor, level with the stage. Our seats for the dress rehearsal on Saturday night were in the balcony, a floor up from the stage.

Gary and I on the set of Saturday Night Live -- pretty cool!

This is where The Today Show shoots their cooking features.

After our tour, we picked up souvenirs for family members at the NBC Store. Gary and I enjoy watching "The Office" and "30 Rock...." Here I am, trying to cheer up Dwight. Silly, I know.

This is the closest we got to Matt Lauer, a cardboard cut-out in the gift shop.

After shopping, we walked back to our hotel to get dressed up for the Awards Ceremony. The photos from that event are featured in my first post from our NYC trip, a few stories below.... This wraps up my summary of our wonderful time in New York City, just Gary and me. It's been a slight detour from my usual posts, mostly about the boys. But this trip has been long-awaited, and Gary worked hard to earn such an honorable award, so I really wanted to journal about our special trip and share it with anyone who'd like to read about it. Already, I'm going back through photos and reliving the remarkable memories -- it was amazing!