As usual, the aunties and uncles arrived bestowing gifts upon Gordon & Grayson. Here are some new t-shirts, courtesy of Auntie Nenny and Uncle Tony.

I truly would never have to shop for them - Grammy, Papa, Nenny, Tony, and Lassa keep our boys dressed so adorably well!

We enjoyed one last lunch with Grammy & Papa before they flew back to MN. Melissa took her lunch break from work and joined us.

To cheer ourselves up after saying good-bye, the boys and I stopped and perused an antique store near our home that I've always wanted to check into. Then we spent a good hour at the library, picking out new books and playing with puzzles and computers.

Thank you so much for everything, Grammy & Papa! We'll miss you...until we see you again this summer! ☺
Perfect pictures. I love your family and I don't even know them! Such a blessing!!
Hi Gretchen,
It's always so much fun to check out your blog.
The kids are growing fast, and are so cute you just want to hug them.
Enjoy this time as all of a sudden you wake up and they are in a whole different stage of life.
That is fun also but in a different way.
You are blessed.
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