We've reached Gordon's last week of preschool - tomorrow is his final day. Last week his class enjoyed its year end outing to the MK Nature Center. Here Gordy and his friends listened to their tour guide as she explained some of the plants and wildlife surrounding us.

The boys were happily surprised when Daddy was able to take a little break from work and join us for part of the field trip. Here, Grayson is saying good-bye to Gary before he returned to work. We all enjoyed his special surprise visit!

It's astounding! Our sweet little preschooler is soon to become a Kindergartner!
He is ready and oh, so excited to meet new friends and learn new things this fall.

He is ready and oh, so excited to meet new friends and learn new things this fall.
It was a beautiful, sunny day for our field trip - we saw many plants, fish, birds, and animal habitats on our tour. We always love to visit MK Nature Center. (The boys and I were just there, the Sunday prior to this trip).

Can you guess what Grayson is saying while his face pokes through the owl cut-out?
He's had that owl call down since before he turned one. ☺

He's had that owl call down since before he turned one. ☺
After our tour and some snacks while visiting with preschool friends, several of us remained for a couple hours to play in the nearby park, enjoying the perfect weather and friendship.

It has been another enriching year of growth and joyful learning for Gordon in preschool. Our entire family has been blessed these past two years with great experiences and some wonderful new friends that will surely remain in our lives. This fall, we'll begin the preschool journey with little Grayson -- he is beyond excited to start!
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