"Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His presence continually." ~Psalm 105:4
This verse means so much to me, especially after this past week. Our faith, family, and friends are helping us through this sad time. We can feel God's presence, His loving arms holding us as we adjust to life without our sweet Gabriel. Thank you for all the prayers; they mean so much to us.
I wanted to share a few of the things we have to remember baby Gabriel. We were given precious time to hold our baby and say good-bye. He was gently bathed and clothed in a little bunting, then wrapped in a handmade baby blanket.
This priceless card was given to us by the nurses, after they made prints of Gabriel's beautiful hands and feet.

Gordon, Grayson, and Gabriel's footprints

How I long to hold these little hands again....

So tiny, so perfect

The service they provide to grieving parents is priceless.
Once we receive the photos, I will share them here.

These are photos taken by the nurses. I edited them to focus on Gabriel's perfect feet, hands and face.

I wanted to share images of our beautiful baby Gabriel; we love him so much and wish we'd had the chance to see him grow up. These photos have helped me through some of the toughest moments in the past week. The hardest time for me is after the distractions of the day are gone, and all is quiet at night. I find comfort in being alone with Gabriel's memory, holding his blanket, and looking at his photos and tiny hand and footprints.
Gabriel was clearly starting to resemble his older brothers. I thank God for the time Gary and I had to hold him and say good-bye.

I will always love this sweet baby of ours. He will forever be a special part of our family. We are so blessed to have Gordon and Grayson in our lives ~ their hugs and smiles are incredibly healing.

Gary took beautiful photos too. This is one of his, above.
Our baby boy was perfectly designed by God, perfectly healthy. You may be wondering what happened, why did our baby die in the 4th month of pregnancy. On December 31, I was diagnosed with a subchorionic hemorrhage, a small blood clot in my blood vessels supplying blood to the placenta. We were encouraged to learn this is not uncommon, rarely does it result in miscarriage. Unfortunately, the bleeding and clotting got worse in our case. The clots became so large that they gradually separated the placenta from the uterine wall, cutting off Gabriel's supply of oxygen and nutrition. Our doctor assured us that he didn't suffer, just fell asleep and slipped away. I'm so disappointed that my body failed to support this precious life inside me, though I know there was nothing anyone could do. It's just so heartbreaking that he was growing and developing so perfectly healthy. I feel so empty now, but each day I feel stronger, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. All of this in in God's hands, and He is my comfort. He is cradling our baby Gabriel, and we'll see him again in Heaven.
Such a beautiful tribute to Baby Gabriel. We continue to pray for all of you as you heal.
Oh, Gretchen! What a beautiful tribute to that beautiful boy of yours. You are right...so precious and so perfect! You and your family continue to be in our prayers. I imagine you heartache is unimaginable at times. It gives me comfort to know how much you will lean on our Heavenly Father right now! May He hold you in His arms, as well!
Love to you all!
Thank you for sharing your little man with us. So amazing to see God's workmanship in his tiny hands and feet. He is truly a beloved Saint of heaven!
I'm sobbing at my computer. Your tribute is heartbreaking and beautiful. What precious memories you have in these photos, handprints and footprints. Even though Gabriel was not long for this world, I am awestruck by the perfection God creates. In your Facebook post you said you imagined Grandma Irma holding him in heaven. I can see that, too. Oh, how she loves him!
Gretchen, Gary, Gordon & Grayson...We are so saddened by your loss!! Your posting here is most amazing & beautiful!! May your faith in God bring you through this time of mourning! I, too, believe that Grandma Irma is holding these little ones that come to her & whispering secrets in their ears! She was & is the most amazing person I have known! God be with you all!! Love, Renae & Dean
Our hearts break for you, Gary, and the boys. I'm so glad that you are finding strength and comfort through your faith in God. My prayer is that He will continue to heal your hearts each day, until he reunites you with sweet Gabriel one day.
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