Our new back yard has many treasures - one of which is this lovely cherry tree.

After some encouragement and coaching from Grandma Myra, the boys and I decided to pursue something we'd never done before ~ cherry cobbler - FROM SCRATCH.
Gordon and I picked most of the cherries.
Grayson helped push branches with his stick, and was also a great help with pitting and tasting the cherries.

These are very organic cherries, so we had to discriminate the good ones from the mushy or "wormy" ones.

Gordy - such a willing and dedicated helper.

It took us all morning to pick the recommended five cups of cherries. The pitting and cleaning took quite awhile too. (My hands were too sticky during this process to snap any photos).

Once we had our cherry crop picked, pitted, and cleaned - we followed a recipe in our good ol' Betty Crocker cookbook, and it all came together. It didn't take long before the house was filled with the delicious aroma of fresh-baked cobbler. We managed to wait until after Daddy was home and we'd eaten dinner to taste our treat...and we were not disappointed.

It really was scrumptious!

We topped it off with some cherry vanilla ice cream.

Yum! Not sure how often this will happen, considering the time and mess factors, but on this particular summer day, it was the perfect endeavor. Very rewarding.