Ready to get in the pool - 1st day of swimming lessons.
July 19 - 30

The boys started out in the same class - "Fond of Water"

But Gordon was quickly promoted to the "Dolphin" class. He was ready to do more this year. ☺

Grayson loved his class. Here they are doing one of their warm-ups - "Ring Around the Rosie."

Rarely did I not see this smile on his face.

Getting ready to jump in.

Doing the "Starfish float"

Gordon also loved lessons.

One of the many things Grayson enjoyed most - jumping in from the side of the pool.


Gordon would practice his underwater swimming skills while his teacher worked individually with the other three kids in his class. He didn't want to waste any pool time just hanging on to the side.

Little Starfish

Gordon's starfish/back float

Ready for another day of lessons!

Great job, boys! We're so proud of our little swimmers.
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