Friday, December 10, 2010

Messages from Santa

Gordon & Grayson received some very special email messages this week -- from SANTA!

I got some priceless video clips of them watching their individualized Santa greetings, but the video clips were too long and wouldn't upload to the blog, unfortunately. Their reactions were adorable. They were amazed that Santa knew so much about them.

The videos were actually sent by Auntie Nenny & Uncle Tony; I'm not sure how they found this site, but how sweet for the boys to see a personalized video from Santa. Thanks, Jen & Tony! The boys loved these messages!

Here's Gordon's video from Santa
Gordon's video is a little longer than Grayson's.

Here's Grayson's video from Santa
I recommend Grayson's - it's comical, the specific goal that Santa mentions to Grayson is very accurate. Grayson laughed sheepishly when Santa mentioned his efforts to go right to sleep at bedtime. That's a work in progress.... Like his Mommy, Grayson is a night owl.

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