Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday, Gordon!

Seven years ago we became parents when we welcomed this beautiful boy into our lives.  What an absolute blessing our Gordon Henry is to our family!  Gordon is a quick-witted little guy with a clever sense of humor, but also a sensitive and kind heart.  He loves to read, especially chapter books as of late.  Gordy enjoys learning and is especially interested in science.  He loves to eat hamburgers, pizza, hot dogs, kiwi, pears, and blueberries.  Riding his bike, going to Cub Scouts, camping, swimming, and climbing trees are among his hobbies and he enjoys playing board games and the Wii.  His favorite animal is a dog and his future plans include becoming a scientist.  He was most interested in vulcanology at one time, but now wants to study all scientific fields. He was elated to be given a microscope for his birthday this year, and has been busy gathering specimens to look at from the creek and pond near our cabins, as well as dead bugs he's found in the yard.  Gordon's smile lights up the room and his laughter is incredibly contagious.  Oh, how we love & adore our sweet Gordon!  Happy Birthday, Gordy!! 

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