It happened again. Once Gary and I saw the growing collection of gifts for this celebration, we decided to stow away one of the gifts we could have presented to our dear boy, and save it for Christmas time. So many Grammies and Papas and Aunties and Uncles love to lavish wonderful gifts on our kiddos, and we really appreciate their thoughtfulness!
It was fairly early when I awoke to Gordy's elated little pattering feet, running through the house, eager to see who might be up to begin sunrise celebrations on his special day. Once we were all gathered and had given Gordy some birthday hugs, he was ready to open one of his gifts. First up was one that had been delivered by mail, from Uncle Tony and Auntie Nenny in Portland....

"Oh, this looks promising...!"

Grayson is excited too, peeking his sweet happy face into my camera's lens.

Sweet! A super-fantastic Spider-Man guy!

This Spider-Man talks, shoots out webs from his hands, and has a spider web string that he can slide across when suction cupped to two wall surfaces!

Thank you so much, Tony & Nenny!

It's great to celebrate with your brother/best friend!

Grayson got some presents too!

Fisher Price adventure vehicles for both boys, from Grammy & Papa

From Mommy & Daddy - a new tee ball set

This will get a lot of use in our backyard and cul-de-sac!

A Spider-Man scrapbook and Leapster, from Auntie Lassa & Uncle Doe-Doe; Melissa also presented Gordon with Spider-Man balloons, bubble bath, body wash, and Band-Aids.

Such a happy face! Gordon's been wanting a Leapster!

Super hero card from Grandma Myra & Grandpa Dave

Very cool transformer heroes - they pop out of their ball form into creatures; from Dave & Myra.

And finally, a real guitar from Grammy & Papa Schueler


Such a blessed and much-loved little boy!

On Gordon's behalf, thank you for all the incredible birthday gifts!
*Coming Soon: Gordon's "Kid Party" at the park with his preschool pals!*