It's become a tradition that when Grammy & Papa arrive from Minnesota mid-June each year, we spend much of the rest of the month and into July at our Schueler/Salzman family cabins. Gary usually takes at least a week of his vacation time off during June, and much fun and relaxation ensues....
It's hard not to relax in the mountains.
It's hard not to relax in the mountains.
Gary, Joey, and Dave pencil in some good ol' Nintendo time at the cabins. (This photo taken before Dave arrived from MN).

My next several posts will be more of our family time in the mountains. We so enjoyed having my parents, brothers Dave & Joey, and sister Melissa spend so much time with us these past few weeks! Dave and Myra and some of my parents' friends from MN also joined us at the cabins during the past month as well. I'm still having to pick and choose which photos to post - there are SO MANY!
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