Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day, especially to my beloved hubby Gary and my own dear Dad back in Minnesota! You are both wonderful Dads -- thank you!

We've enjoyed a beautiful weekend here, with temps in the mid 80's, sunshine, and brilliant blue skies. Here are a couple photos, especially for you, Dad and Gary:

Above, you can see Gordon up on Table Rock on Friday evening (Gary took this photo with his cell phone; I was in the car with Grayson, as he was sound asleep).

Speaking of little Grayson, here's a snapshot of our baby, taken on Friday in our backyard.

We have enjoyed a lovely weekend of family time together, and we are looking forward to Mom and Dad arriving this Thursday from Minnesota, as well as David flying in on Saturday night. Jen will join us for the 4th of July weekend. Happy & safe travels! We can't wait for some more family fun in Idaho -- See you soon....! :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

This Morning ~ A Beautiful Day to Play Outside

New Pets

Much to Gary's initial dislike, I came home from a bridal shower a couple weeks ago with two new family members. (They were center pieces at the party). Gordy has named our goldfish "Tractor" and "Combine." He's really into farm vehicles after our trip to Minnesota. :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Grayson's 1st Year, in Pictures

This took me over a month to search through our files and files of pictures and find some of my favorites of Grayson -- Lots of photos here! How could I possibly include any less? He's so cute, every day of the year. If you'd like to hear the music along with the slideshow, just click on the play button on the bottom left, then click on the 'X' to move the video so you can see the photos. Enjoy these sweet memories of Grayson's 1st year....

Monday, June 9, 2008

Emmy Award-Winning Gary Salzman!!

Congratulations go out to Gary! He and Alyson Outen won an Emmy Award at the Regional Award Ceremony in Seattle on Saturday evening! Their coverage of Barbara Morgan's space shuttle mission last August earned them this prestigious honor. The KTVB news director represented the station in Seattle, and presented Gary and Alyson with their awards today in Boise. We were very excited to receive the great news on Saturday night while at the cabin. Way to go, Gary & Alyson!! :) We are very proud....!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sears Portraits -- Grayson 1 Year Old

The boys and I ventured to the mall yesterday for Grayson's One Year portraits at Sears.

These proofs show a few of my favorites. What a sweet little boy!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

E.T. or Turtle?

While visiting Grammy & Papa, Grammy was flipping through channels on their Direct TV, stopping briefly on the Steven Spielberg movie of E.T. When asked what he thought E.T. was, Gordon decided E.T. was a turtle. :) Yeah, I can see that too....

Minnesota Memories 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Grayson Takes Off!

While in Minnesota, Grayson utilized all that space in Grammy & Papa's house and around the farm to perfect his walking skills. He has chosen his new aspiration, which is jumping. It's fun to watch him try, though he's not getting much air just yet. He really enjoyed all the new sights to see and was such a good little traveler. Grayson's sense of humor is developing too, as he can get really silly--which is such fun. "Uh-oh," "Aaaaa-boo," and "Ditty" are among some of his favorite catch phrases, as his vocabulary continues to grow. The ceiling fans in Grammy & Papa's house were very fascinating to Grayson, and really helped in getting him to nap regularly. We ought to get one in his room for the hypnotic qualities it would provide. Grayson is 13 months old today!! :)

Home Again....

We're back from our lovely 2 weeks in Minnesota.... We had a great time! We have so many photos, I'm not sure where to begin with sharing them here. Unfortunately, neither Gary nor I had our cameras handy for Dave's graduation, Mom's birthday celebration, or any of the events from our weekend in Minneapolis/St. Paul. My sister Melissa got a lot of good photos with her camera there, so those events won't go undocumented. :)

Just a quick story to share about Gordon: We were on the road and Gary was discussing the one-eyed eagle we saw at the Great Plains Zoo in Sioux Falls. Our one-eyed cat, Olivia was mentioned also, which led to conversation about staying out of the street.... Gordy's responses were cracking me up in the seat ahead of them, but when Gordy heard me laughing, he stated, "Mommy, you not laugh at that eagle. That kinda mean." And he said it quite respectfully, though concerned about my lack of concern for the unfortunate bird. Gary and I both got a chuckle out of his words, and then had to explain that none of our laughter was directed at the eagle. We're proud of his empathy and tender heart. :)