Thursday, March 26, 2009

Art Projects

During Grayson's nap yesterday, it was too rainy to go outside and play in the yard, so Gordon and I decided we would do an art project with the googly eyes we found in my old art supply box. My thought was to create some fun Easter paintings to hang on the fridge and liven them up with the eyeballs. Here's an example of what I had in mind....

I thought Gordy would follow suit and create something seasonal also, but he opted for an entirely different theme -- ALIENS. He has been very curious about outer space lately, asking things like, "What do aliens eat?" "Who could live on the sun?" "Where do Easter bunnies live -- in outer space?" "What is a black hole?" etc.... He's mentioned becoming an astronaut someday...right along with a farmer, construction worker, and a cowboy. Anyway, here is the final product on Gordy's googly-eyed art creation. (At Gordy's request, I helped glue the eyes on and added some sketching to help it come alive).

What fun to get a glimpse of children's imagination through their art!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Car Wash Talk

The boys love going to the car wash! Here we are, having a little chat while Daddy soaped up and rinsed the Honda. (Press 'pause' on the Music Box to hear better).

Reverse Psychology

This is so cute! (Press 'pause' on the Music Box so you can hear Grayson in this clip).

The boys and I were eating lunch, and I decided to teach them a little reverse psychology game that my Mom used to play with us. Enjoy!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Here are some recent snapshots, taken this month.

Clearly, Grayson inherited my crooked smile.
This is Gordon's 'just woke up' face ~ so sweet.

Grayson, always observing....

Gordon's super tall tower of blocks!
Sweet little Grayson

How I love this face!

Gary took this one of Grayson, up close & personal, cracker crumbs and all.

Gordon's smile ~ a little forced for the camera, but handsome, nonetheless.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mommy & Daddy Love Their Boys!

A lot of photos are taken of the boys, yet not many with Mommy & Daddy in them. Here are some recent snapshots of special moments together....

Mommy is a lucky lady!!

Daddy's home! The boys played an ABC game with Daddy on the computer.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Fire Station Field Trip

Gordy's preschool took a field trip yesterday to a nearby fire station.
Dave & Myra came along on this trip, which was so nice!
They also took us in and fed us lunch just before the field trip, as our house was being shown.
Gordon was captivated...and such a good listener!

Grayson is fascinated with babies; here he is with one of our playgroup buddies, Baby Raleigh.

One fire engine was called out during the tour. Here's Gordon, reacting to the loud siren.

Grayson enjoyed Myra's loving arms and watchful eye during the outing.
Thank you so much, for all your help, Myra & Dave -- and for the delicious lunch!

Here are Gordon & Grayson with "Grampa Dave" and "Gram Myra," two very special people in our lives.
...And look who else showed up!
Gary managed to get away from work briefly, and popped in to join us too, a very pleasant surprise!
I wish I'd gotten a better angle with my camera on the wide-eyed smiles upon Gordon & Grayson's faces when they spotted their Daddy!

Another great outing with our special preschool friends...and our family.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Waiting for Spring....

Robins have been sighted, crocus blooms are peeking out from the ground, and we're hearing our favorite song by the mourning doves more and more.... Spring is on its way, and it won't be long before we'll be outside all day, every day.
Until then, we'll tackle the rainy days with these tools:
Movies & Popcorn!

Playing with water....
Reading LOTS of books!
Practicing our computer skills....
...and drawing ~ beautiful pictures!
It looks like we're going to make it to spring time...!

Lucky Lady!

This is a special post to say, Thank you, Gary! Valentine's Day surprises this year included fresh flowers, chocolate hearts, and a beautiful card. Then my talented husband spent hours in the kitchen, making delicious, homemade sushi rolls ~ enough to enjoy throughout our weekend at the cabins. Yummy!

A few days later, he presented me with my birthday gift: a beautiful quilt with accent pillows and shams ~ it's a gorgeous set that really brightens up our room.

I'm such a lucky girl!

A Great Way to Spend A Birthday!

A few weeks behind.... Here are some photos from my 38th birthday, which was on February 18th. The boys and I enjoyed a beautiful, sunny day at the park...then Gram-Myra came over (with delicious, chocolate birthday cake!) and watched the boys that evening, allowing Gary and me a night out, just the two of us.
Here are some cute pictures of the boys playing that day....
Gordon picked out his wardrobe ~ can you tell? I was surprised he didn't wear his "Beatles" shirt.

Grayson is all smiles on a playground!

I love this picture of Gordon ~ such a sweetheart!

Grayson, enjoying a horsey ride.
Oh alright, I'll include a picture of myself for posterity. When I'm 50, I'll look back and think this wasn't such a bad picture -- Here I am at 38, wrinkles and all.