Saturday, September 4, 2010

Grayson's 1st Day of Preschool

Our little Grayson is a big boy now - he officially started preschool on Sept. 1st.

Though he didn't seem to need much convincing, Gordon gave him encouragement for his first day. Grayson wasn't really nervous a bit.

Arriving at preschool, this is a smile for my cell phone - on which I could send an immediate photo update to Daddy, who's away for the week for work, covering a BSU football game in Maryland. (BSU vs. VA Tech)

Still, all smiles as we ventured into his new classroom.

I returned about ten minutes early to pick Grayson up, wanting to catch a glimpse of how his first day went. They were all having a ball with Miss Laura.

Grayson didn't even notice me until just before dismissal...and this was his happy face and jump for joy when he saw me. (This made for one happy Mommy as well!)

After class, we walked to Gordy's school to pick him up from Kindergarten. Grayson LOVES preschool and gave me a thumbs up sign to send to Daddy.

And this lovely self-portrait was in his back pack. I love it!

Congratulations, Grayson - our little preschooler!
♥ We love you and are so very proud of you! ♥